Digital coach for hospital patients
Would you like to better support and engage your patients? Our solution is a digital coach which engages, reassures and supports your patients throughout their hospital journey.

92% patients feel reassured and engaged in their treatment thanks to HOOPI coach*
*Patient survey 2021- Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou AP-HP
What does our digital coach do?

Engages and reassures patients
Our digital coach HOOPI gives patients relevant and hospital-specific information throughout their hospital journey. It answers both general and pragmatic questions. It is adapted to various patient profiles.

Repeats and conveys your care team’s messages
Our digital coach repeats and reformulates what you care team (doctors, nurses, midwifes…) says. All the content is validated by your hospital. HOOPI is part of the team.

Easy to implement for the hospital
You have an access to ready-made content, an editorial platform and an adapted chatbot. It is easy to customize the treatment paths so that they reflect exactly your hospital’s protocols.
Digital coach: a win-win situation for hospitals and patients

Adapted to different patient profiles
Each patient (and relative) has a unique way to understand and process hospital information. It varies according to patients’ stress level and profile.
In a digital world, we offer a digital solution.
All content is well thought through and follows learning principles. It includes several entry points to fulfill the needs of different patient segments: chatbot, videos, texts, illustrations.
Simplifies communication between hospital teams et patients
You have a lot of information to convey to patients?
Our solution is a unique platform where patients can find comprehensive information on their care path with the help of a digital coach. You have full control over the content thanks to an editorial interface.
You can easily customize the content. You start from a content library and make the relevant adjustments. You keep full mastery over what messages you convey to patients.

Digital coach hoopi :
leveraging teaching principles and focusing on patient engagement
Warm language to reassure patients
Interactive chatbot
Visuals and films with the hospital doctors and care teams
Possibility to offer several languages
Customization of the care protocols
Great content depth

How does the digital coach HOOPI work?

The hospital has access to an editorial database + content library that is easy to customize

You give your patients access to a web-app (entirely free for them)

… for an annual licence cost
Digital coach HOOPI’s available modules

SURGERY module



INFERTILITY treatment module


You cannot find the module you need? No problem! We design ot for you leveraging design thinking principles.
What patients say about the digital coach HOOPI
Has Hoopicoach helped you be more reassured and confident?
Would you recommend Hoopicoach to other patients?
Has Hoopicoach helped you feel more welcome at the hospital?
Is the coach digital easier to understand than other paper documents?
Based on a panel of 103 patients (undersgoing gyneacology surgery) at the hospital “Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou”, 29 responses