Our offer
We offer hospitals a turn-key solution including a digital platform, content library and content creation support. All for the price of an annual licence. Hoopi coach is always free for hospital patients.

Licence per module (surgery, maternity…)

Platform + content library
You have access to an editorial interface. From this platform, you can create all the interventions that you need. We suggest that you start from a content library instead of a white page. Your focus will be on proof-reading the content and customizing the parts which are specific to your hospital.
You want to add new interventions? No problem! You can create them from the existing interventions /treatment pathts. It is like creating new combinations of LEGO blocks.

The Hoopigo team is here to support you whenever you need.
We share some insights with you on the usage of the platform, the type of questions patients ask on the chatbot. We help you create even more patient engagement by giving you recommendations on what content to reinforce or change. We help you continuously improve and thrive to excellence.

Launching the Hoopicoach project
We can customize for you the first treatments paths. That way, you save time. You only have to proof-read. We help you launch the project with your patients (poster, stickers, QR code…) and with your team.
We innovate together!
Co-creation of new modules

You cannot find the type of module you need ?
Let us co-develop it with you. We are a very experienced team with respect to co-creation. Our platform is flexible and designed to integrate new modules.
Development of new functionalities

We continuously improve our current functionalities and develop new functionalities on the platform.
If you want to test new functionalities, you have access to a free BETA TEST in the first months. It is then up to you if you want to keep them and add them in your licence.
New content creation and updates
Regular updates

You have changed your protocols or you just need to update part of your content? Let us do it for you. Once a year, every term or even more often. You choose!
New content creation

You want to create new content and/or new videos with your team, and/or new medical illustrations ? Ask us! The Hoopigo team can do it for you.